Order Of The Golden Shoe Award
A New Recognition Award
A new annual award will be available in the X-C Grand Prix Race series.
Dubbed the “Order of the Golden Shoe”, It will be presented for the first time in our 2020/2021 X-C race season. The award will be offered exclusively for our “senior ” runners in their so-called (tongue-in-cheek) “Golden Years”, hence, the “GOLDEN SHOE” title.
Each year all runners aged 70 and over can qualify to have their name engraved on this honour role award. The qualifying criteria is listed below.
- be 70 or over by their 1st race,
- finish at least 6 of the 10 races,
- be a CRR member by their 1st race,
- run any combination of 4K or 8K races, which may include the Confederation Park relay event.
NOTE: no volunteering race service is required (but gratefully accepted) nor can volunteering be substituted for any of the 6 races.
We have a number of regular club members right now just waiting in the wings for their chance to achieve fame and glory and (immortality?) when they reach the big “SEVEN-OH” so hang in there, you sixties folks!!
Just remember: you’re not getting older——you’re getting better. Good luck runners!
Congratulations to the Order of the Golden Shoe Award recipients
CRR Grand Prix season 2020 – 2021
Dave Irvine-Halliday
David Strand
Jean MacNaughton
Ken Park
Roger Davies
CRR Grand Prix season 2021 – 2022
John Cuthbertson
Barbara Hardt
Dave Irvine-Halliday
Joe Morin
Chris Morrison
Ken Park
John Cuthbertson
Barbara Hardt
Dave Irvine-Halliday
Joe Morin
Chris Morrison
Ken Park
CRR Grand Prix season 2022 – 2023
John Cuthbertson
Byron Frederick
Jim Fry
Dave Irvine-Halliday
Joe Morin
Chris Morrison
Ken Park
David Strand