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Hello, Calgary Roadrunners.

As you can see, our club’s website has a new, fresh look. Thanks to the immense work done by Jenn B., we’ve migrated the old site to a new host company, and updated all software solutions with the move.

The reason for the migration was that our old host company was not able to offer us site support flexibility, and we were stuck with unsupported legacy website components versions, like WordPress theme, php programming language and such. Some components were so old, the website security was compromised.

With the move, Jenn’s updated everything to the latest and greatest, but we may have lost some functionalities – you know – two moves are equal to one house fire. As an example, we do not have civiCRM anymore – a tool that held our membership data, and was used to send mass emails. There is a new membership solution embedded in this website, and we will be using another tool for the membership emails.

We continue updating and adding new things to the site as we go, so if you notice anything missing – please let us know – at admin@calgaryroadrunners.com.