Club Executive
The Executive consist of volunteers from all walks of life. To be on the Executive, you must be able to provide one of the following:
- Good organizational skills.
- A sense of humor.
- A sense of commitment and desire to work on the committee, and other duties as assigned.
- An enjoyment of running, photographing or watching people run, or talking about running.
Executive Members
Graham McCaffrey – President
Chad Zaharik – Vice President
David Davidson – Secretary
Ian Wrightson
Fanny Barrette
Florence Yu
Kara Leinweber
Non-Executive Members
Members who do lots of work and who should be recognized.
- Derek Wilkinson and Jackson Frantz – Grand Prix Cross-Country Race Committee
- Oleg Tabelev – Membership Coordinator
- Donovan Thorkelson – Clothing Coordinator
- Melody Switzer – Responds for Info@crr email
- Isabelle Pageau and Philippe Lagace – Finish Line Equipment
- Philippa Hocking and Kurt Edwards – X/C Series Results
- Anne Benneker – 10 km training group coordinator
- Jennifer Betts – Website support
We would like to thank and remember Jim Clampett on his long time service to the Calgary Roadrunners until his untimely passing in February 2014.
The list of Club’s offices and volunteer tasks is below – if you feel you can help please let us know!
Calgary Roadrunners Club Address
P.O. Box 311, Station M
Calgary, AB T2P 2H9
The CRR Club Executive And Volunteer Positions
This page lists and defines most the CRR officer and volunteer positions. The Club runs exclusively on the the time and effort of its volunteers, so if you feel you can offer CRR help in any capacity, we will absolutely appreciate it. The Club tries to acknowledge our volunteers for their hard work (see the Orange Toque Award as an example) but what drives them the most is the irresistible urge to give back to the running community.
- President, Director
Organizes and chairs monthly board meetings, provides updates to the club newsletter or blog, oversees all club business, coordinates/delegates responsibility of all club tasks to Directors or volunteers as required. Term is in accordance with By-Laws, currently two years, possibly extended, if approved by the Board of Directors. Requires 4 to 15 hours per month.
- Vice President, Officer
Leads Club related projects working with other Directors and volunteers to carry out the goals of the organization. Fills in as President or Chairperson at times of their absence. The person in this role will ideally move into the role as President (assuming the approval of the Board). Including Club and other meetings may require from 4 to 8 hours per month.
- Past President, Not a board position
Provides any needed continuity and guidance to the current executive, taking on some few Club projects. Term continues until the current President moves into the role of Past President. Typically requires 2 to 4 hours per month.
- Treasurer, Director or Volunteer
Manages the clubs finances. Cashes cheques and pays all club bills, maintaining an orderly record of income and expenses. Works with the executive to create an annual budget for all race events and club activities. Informs the executive of the Club’s financial standing on a monthly basis and generates an annual financial report, presenting it to the membership at the AGM. Requires 8 to 16 hours per month.
- Secretary, Director
Attends all Board and Member meetings, recording or ensuring that all important club business is recorded in the minutes. Assists President with agenda preparation and meeting arrangements, may pick up club mail, and informs members and Directors of important Club notices and resolutions. Maintains custody of all current Club records. Requires 3 to 6 hours per month.
- Race Directors and Co-Directors, Volunteers, multiple positions
These volunteers are the engine of the Club. Coordinate with Club leadership to finalize dates of club races, ensure all arrangements for their specific race are organized. This includes ensuring the race course, registration, food, marshals, timers, finish line volunteers and equipment, facility rental and clean-up volunteers, race permitting and insurance are all in place. Ensure local businesses and residents are informed of potential race impacts. Requires between 10 and 50 hours per race, depending on race size. Below are just a few of the events and positions the Club has:
- Ten Grand Prix cross-country events, one/two directors each
- Results Processing and posting
- Patrick’s Day Road Races, a committee member
- Calgary Women’s Run, RD or a committee member
- Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer
Assist Race Directors Club Executive in arranging the appropriate number of qualified volunteers to carry out the required duties for each event including races, AGM and Awards Banquet. This is a new position so time requirements may increase over time depending on timing and size of events. Perhaps 3 to 5 hours per month.
- Membership Coordinator, Volunteer
Receive and process new memberships and renewals, maintain the member database, and follow up with members whose membership has lapsed. Attendance at some membership drives may be required. Report member numbers to the Board on a monthly basis. Typical time required may vary from 2 to 5 hours per month.
- Crossroads Newsletter Editor, Volunteer
Collect submissions from members, race results, photos, etc., and create a newsletter or blog to be distributed to members on a regular basis, by either mail or email. Time required will vary between 2 and 6 hours per month.
- Advertising/Marketing/Promotions Coordinator, Director or Volunteer
This is a new position to boost public awareness of the club and its activities. Signage, advertising and strategizing public events that promote interest in running and related activities of the club will be a part of this role. This is an opportunity to tax one’s creativity and imagination in promoting the club. Anticipate 2 to 8 hours per month.
- Social Media Team
The person(s) in this team will take care of promoting club’s life on various social media platforms, posting photos, announcements, short stories. If you are a social media enthusiast, and are willing to help the club with this task – let us know. Two to five hours a month is the expectation.
Club Anniversary Committee Chairperson, Director or Volunteer
The person in this role will plan and coordinate all Club celebrations and recognition of accomplishments to educate the membership and the public of the club’s history. This will be a one-year commitment only and may require between 5 and 50 hours total time.
- Club Insurance, Director or Volunteer
The person assuming this role will coordinate on an annual basis with our insurance brokerage to confirm appropriate coverage for all club sponsored races and events as well as liability coverage for all Directors and Officers of the Club. Time required will be minimal at 2 to 4 hours per year.
- Park Race Permit Coordinator, Director or Volunteer
This has recently been done by individual Grand Prix Race Directors but would be better coordinated if one person worked consistently with the City to provide a standard contact point and a common education to each Race Director in the conduct of their race and rental of city buildings. Typical time required is 2 to 5 hours per month.
- Equipment Coordinator, Director or Volunteer
The person in this role fields all requests for the Club’s Finish Line Equipment, educates users in its proper function, collects rental fees and security deposits, coordinates pick up and drop off times for the equipment and ensures it is maintained in good working order. The role requires a significant amount of communication with both Club Race Directors as well as with non-Club Race Directors. Time commitment will vary with season but may be 5 to 20 hours per month.
- CRR Finish Line Manager, Volunteer
The person who ensures timing equipment is transported to each Club Race, is properly set up and fully functional so that the race goes off without a hitch. Currently this is managed by the Equipment Coordinator but would be much more efficient if there were one consistent person to have the preparation done for each of the Grand Prix Races.
- Marathon Training Coach, Volunteer
The person in this role receives requests and communicates with athletes interested in training for upcoming long distance events such as half, full and ultra-marathons. Organize and conduct weekly or twice weekly training sessions involving intervals, tempo runs, long slow distance runs or hill training to assist runners accomplish their goals. Develop long term training plans to synchronize with the dates of races chosen by athletes in the group. Provides an opportunity to continue a very consistent personal training regimen. Typically requires 3 to 6 hours per week including actual training time.
- 10 Km/Half Marathon Training Coach, Volunteer
The person in this role receives requests and communicates with athletes interested in training for upcoming shorter distance events such as 5 km, 10 km and half marathons. Organize and conduct weekly or twice weekly training sessions involving intervals, tempo runs, distance runs or hill training to assist runners accomplish their goals. Develop training plans to synchronize with the dates of races chosen by athletes in the group. Provides an opportunity to continue a very consistent personal training regimen. Typically requires 3 to 6 hours per week including actual training time.
- Website Manager, Volunteer
The person in this role may be involved in developing websites as required by the Club to communicate information to its membership and the public. Maintain menus and data regarding race schedules, photographs, and results for access by members and the public allowing different levels of security depending on the individual’s status. Significant computer and web development skills are required. Time required will vary between 3 and 10 hours per month.
- Club Financial Auditor, Volunteer
Receives all Club financial documents 3 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting and conducts a thorough review of all details to provide a cold eyes review of the documents and accuracy of the clubs finances, reporting back to the membership as to the practices being followed in the handling of the club’s financial resources. Time required is 10 to 15 hours per year.
- Relay Coordinator(s), Volunteer
The person in this role is responsible to encourage, promote and organize club-sponsored teams to participate in those relay races held locally on an annual basis such as the Banff Jasper Relay, the Kananaskis 100 Mile Relay, and the Ekiden Relay as well as any other relays that Club Members demonstrate an interest in. While this individual may not personally participate in the relays, they will provide a common base of knowledge regarding the races and a common contact with the Club Executive to ensure each team is treated on an even basis in accordance with guidelines established by the Board. The time required will be seasonal starting prior to team registration time and will require between 5 and 10 hours per relay race.
- Club Night Coordinator, Volunteer
The person in this role will plan and schedule a Club-sponsored event each month at various venues around the city, publicize the event to members and coordinate a relaxed running event followed by a social gathering where the Club may cover some of the incurred costs. The event is typically held on the third Thursday of each month and may require 3 to 4 hours per month of the volunteer coordinator.
- Youth Development Fund Coordinator, Director or Volunteer
The person carrying out this role will review the Club’s mission toward encouraging running and fitness in youth, develop a strategy to promote the program to eligible youth and have this program carried out to put the club’s intended resources into accomplishing the goal. Time required will be somewhere in the ballpark of 10 to 20 hours per year.
- Club Clothing Coordinator, Volunteer
This volunteer manages the Club’s new clothing inventory, ensuring adequate quantities are maintained for sale and as race prizes. The person will monitor inventory levels and order as directed by the Executive, transport clothing to Club events and other expos where clothing may be for sale, be available to market and promote the running gear, collect retail funds and submit them along with financial back-up to the Club Treasurer. The person must be capable of handling cumbersome packages of clothing, providing rodent free storage and have the capability to transport the packages to the specific events. Estimated time required is 3 to 8 hours per month.
- Club Race Photographer, Volunteer
This is a perfect opportunity for a budding photographer or recovering runner or cyclist to keep in tune with what is happening in the running community while providing the running membership with quality photos from Club sponsored races as well as numerous other local races such as the Glencoe IceBreaker, Iron Legs 50 Miler, Moose Mountain Marathon, etc. Attend races as desired and post the photos later on the Club website for members review or download. Time required is 5 to 10 hours per month.
- Inter-Club Coordinator, Volunteer
The purpose of this role is to coordinate club activities with other groups who may be planning similar events within the same time frame as the Calgary Roadrunners. This volunteer would establish connections with various local groups such as MEC, 5 Peaks, BeThereRaces, The Calgary Marathon Society, Big Rock Runners in Okotoks, the Red Rock Runners and Tri Club in Cochrane, Gord’s Running Store, Strides Running Stores, The Tech Shop, Trail Trash and any other local groups.
- info@calgaryroadrunners.com, Volunteer
The person who manages this role receives all questions from the public that are processed through the Calgary RoadRunners website. It is imperative they have a good number of years of experience within the Calgary running community and as a member of the CRR such that they can either answer questions directly or pass the questions along to the person within the Club best suited to answer it. An estimate of the time required is 3 to 6 hours per month.